Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Here We Go

Yesterday was a GREAT day! Why, you might ask? I got my period and was dancing and smiling all afternoon at work. I have been waiting for months to get to this point. I was so excited and still am today and probably will be all week, and the week after, and hopefully even happier if a positive pregnancy test follows a week or so later!  Of course if my period decides to show in July there will be more kicking and screaming than dancing and smiling, but right now I am just trying to think positive though because my body does not need any added stress right now.

Today was my appointment with my Ob Dr. so she could check out my follicles and get a good look at my uterus for another pregnancy. She said both of my ovaries have lots of follicles (YES!), although the right one is sitting really high and looks like it is stuck to my uterus. She said this is probably from the surgery and she doesn't think it'll cause any issues. Hope not, because I want everything to be perfect for this cycle. She then looked at my uterus checking out my fetal surgery/c-section incision. She told me it was looking really good and said that it looks like there is no sign of thinning around the incision area (YES!). That was exactly what I wanted to hear since a uterine rupture with the next pregnancy is one of my biggest fears next to having another baby with a birth defect and of course stillbirth. So overall another good Ob visit!

So here I am typing this, still so excited for this cycle, and feeling good and so optimistic. I start taking the Clomid tomorrow from cycle days 3-7. I then go back to see my Ob on the 24th to get another ultrasound to see how the follicles reacted to the Clomid. Also at that visit my Dr. will decide if I should do the HCG injections again. If they can up my chances of getting pregnant again I'd prefer to do them no matter what. I'd prefer to even do an IUI again just so my chances are better, but I'll do whatever my Dr. thinks is best. So here we go, our first month of trying to conceive again after losing Liam.


  1. I hope everything goes well and there is another sweet one on the way soon! xoxo

  2. So glad that things are going well. I hope they continue to and you get the BFP in July.

  3. I am a new follower...I can feel your happiness for this cycle from your writing. I know this will be a bit scary just take it one day at a time!

  4. Wish you all the luck in the world for the coming days

  5. Oh Becky! You just made my day!! I don't know of anyone else that would be HAPPY to have their cycle, but yours is for such a good reason :) BTW...my sister-in-law did the whole clomid thing for BOTH her pregnancies after YEARS of trying to get pregnant with no luck. Both of my nephews are happy and healthy. I hope you + hubby have the same results :)

  6. thoughts and prayers as always!!

  7. Yay! :) Good luck! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  8. Woot-woot. Very exciting. :)

    Becky, does your doctor have you doing anything to prevent Spina Bifida in your next pregnancy? I don't know enough about it other than folic acid, I just wondered if she had any other suggestions to prevent it?

  9. Laura- I was actually working on a blog post about folic acid and having a neural tube defect because I am so concerned about that again. Right now I am taking about 3400mcg of folic acid between my prenatal and an extra supplement of it. I also have been trying to find out all the foods that supply it and load up on them just to be on the safe side. The doctors don't know what caused the spina bifida but I am trying to do everything I can.
