Friday, July 1, 2011

Now The Wait

Officially inseminated, and now the waiting period. I thought the last 6 months of waiting to try and get pregnant again was going to be a long wait but I think this might seem like forever until I know if I am pregnant or not.

I was thinking about last year in April when I did my first IUI and how I was a so nervous since it had already been 2 years of trying with no pregnancy. Although we were doing something beyond just trying naturally and using Clomid I didn't want to get too excited only to get let down. Of course by the time I went and took a pregnancy test I let myself get excited and then got let down by the big fat negative on the pregnancy test. Then for the second IUI in July I was really not at all excited or optimistic and assuming another negative test would result. The test ended up being positive though and I was in fact pregnant. So here I am just under one year since I had that last IUI that gave me Liam but this time I am beyond excited and full of optimism. I am well aware it might not work the first time, but just hoping to god it does.

I hope everyone has a good 4th of July weekend and to all my Canadian followers a good Canada day. And also to all my fellow blm's who are in this waiting period with me I pray we all have positive prego tests in the coming weeks.


  1. Praying for a positive pregnancy test for both of us in the coming weeks. I would love to be pregnant at the same time you are. We can be happy nervous wrecks together.

  2. Yay! I'm on 2ww too! Best wishes!

  3. Haha I'm with you and Molly on the 2WW! Good luck!!

  4. I have my fingers crossed for you!!!! BTW, what does 2ww mean??

  5. 2 week wait ;) (after ovulation, but before you can test)

    I'm right there with you. I really hope this is it for you! :)

  6. Prayers being sent your way!!!

  7. Hope this two week wait isn't too long for you, and you end up with a big fat positive. thinking about you & praying for you!
