Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Music To My Ears

I remember when I first got pregnant with Liam, I was so nervous. I was nervous about being pregnant(wanting to do all the right things and none of the wrong), having a baby with a birth defect(yes I am a worry wart and always thought I wasn't a strong enough person to handle a baby with one), and also just afraid I wasn't going to be a good mom.
I wasn't nearly as excited about the first appts. with Liam as I was for the one I had yesterday. I loved that little boy from the start of my pregnancy but I was just worried about all the things I listed above and then also my doctor telling me about the incidence of miscarriage in the first trimester. I am still nervous, but this time about my baby dying again. I know now I will be a great mom and would do anything for my baby, just like I did with Liam. I just hope I never have to make a decision like I did with him though. I also fell completely in love with being pregnant and so badly want to know what it is like to be further than 26 weeks along.
So yesterday I had that second u/s so that I could see the heartbeat since the last visit it was just a little too early. I was 7 weeks and 4 days yesterday and the baby was measuring at about 7 weeks and 3 days. I got to see the heartbeat but the best thing was that I also got to hear it. My Dr. said it was still early but we just might be able to. I had to lay very still and sure enough it was there, beating at a perfect 165 beats per minute. It was music to my ears. I was so excited and in the best mood the rest of the day. I felt like I wanted to give everyone I saw a huge hug. I was just so happy. I know we still have a long way to go, but hearing that for even just a moment, made everything better.
Now to wait three weeks until my next appt. to get a full checkup and blood work done.

I also waited until I was past week 12 with Liam to tell my boss I was pregnant, but today at not quite 8 weeks I decided to tell her about it. She figured I was since I left work quite a few times a few months earlier to get my follicle checks done, so she was well aware I was trying to get pregnant again. Also I work in radiation, and even though I am never exposed to any at the job I work at, I still felt it was important to get my fetal monitor sooner than later; just in case.


  1. Hooray! That's fabulous news. I'm sure the last couple weeks were tough to press through, but then the heartbeat and that adoring sound. :)

  2. Glad you had such a good appointment!

  3. Love that cute little ultrasound's always so nice and reassuring to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. Hope everything continues to go well for you and your little one! :)

  4. Becky, yours is the 2nd blog I've read today where a mom heard & saw the Rainbow baby's heartbeat! I love hearing about these sweet miracles!

  5. Fantastic news :)) Must have been divine to hear your little ones heartbeat... true music :) Love to you both xoxo

  6. Excellent news,There is nothing like the pure joy, excitement and relief of hearing it for the first time.

  7. YAY!
    165 is on the high end of the fetal heartbeat spectrum... so you may be looking at another boy!
    Lots of prayers still coming your way!

  8. what a sweet sweet sound! So happy to hear things are progressing well!
