Wednesday, November 9, 2011

So Shaky

I am shaking so bad today and its only 10am.

Is it because I am majorly lacking in sleep? I have slept like crap for the last four nights and I think the coffee is doing more harm than good.

Is it because my blood sugar is really really low? If that is it, nothing seems to help, and I've been eating everything in sight.

Or maybe its because today is my nuchal scan?

I thought for sure I'd be freaking out about it by now, but honestly my lack of sleep has caused major lack of energy to really care. And really there isn't too much I will find out today anyway unless they see a sign of down's on the u/s. And who knows when I am actually going to get the results back. Just hoping I'll know by my next Ob appt so I can discuss the results in depth with my dr. just incase there is any concern.

But seriously is it 3:15 yet?


  1. Oh, boy. Hugs to you today. Please let us know how it goes.

    I remember our big NT scan with the twins and due to my age and our increased risk (1:85 just due to twins), I was *sure* we were going to get bad news...but it was great news! We were so relieved. (Unfortunately, our loss occurred less than 2 weeks later, but that was totally unrelated.)

  2. Good luck! Praying baby is happy/healthy!

  3. Thinking of you for your scan... hope you get some good news soon. Love to you always xoxo

  4. Thinking & praying for you and your little one today & over the next few weeks as you get the results back <3

  5. Hoping that everything went well today and that you have a beautiful picture to post. And I hope you get a better sleep tonight!

  6. Thinking of you and your little one. Sending well wishes for great results on your tests.

  7. Thinking of you, hoping you get wonderful news soon!

  8. Hope the nuchal had good news for you guys :)
