Friday, March 16, 2012

31 Weeks, Only 6 More to Go!

I had my baby shower last Sunday and it went GREAT! I was kind of worried the week prior, just afraid I would start crying and get all emotional in front of everyone I guess, even though I know they would all understand. I was happy that baby girl got so many awesome gifts; books, toys, jumper, bouncer, and clothes that she will look adorable in. Most of all though I was just so happy that so many of my friends were able to make it that have been there for me through everything since losing Liam. It really made for a perfect day.

Met with my Ob on Tuesday for another 2 week check up. Just talked about a few of the things that were discussed at my last perinatologist appt. I really wish we could set my c-section date already, hopefully in two weeks at the next one.

Dereck and I met with a pediatrician on Thursday. Didn't really have any questions for her prepared, wasn't even really sure what to ask. The only thing I really care about is that she is healthy and that she knows that I might be a little crazy if there are problems. It was nice though that she went over how things will work once the c-section is done. I really like knowing that if she is fine she will get to go with Dereck immediately until I am out of surgery and then I get to be with her. I really just want one of us to be with her at all times. We both agree that we like the practice and the Dr. that we met with so not sure if we will go out and visit other practices or not.

I am not complaining here but I swear that once I hit the third trimester, especially this past week, everything seemed to change pregnancy wise. Part of me feels like I am losing my mind a little. I blame hormones. The pregnancy brain has gotten horrible, I can't seem to remember anything lately. I am also normally a cold person but I keep having these random hot flashes that at times have left me sweating, like gross sweating. Driving on bumpy roads seem to make me nauseous and I am not one to get car sick. I never get charlie horses and have had a couple now that have woken me up at night almost screaming in pain. And my emotions are all over the place. I even started having like a mini panic attack yesterday over buying scrub pants. It seems like in the matter of a week and a half I went from being able to wear most of my nonpregnant clothes, especially my work scrub pants to having everything be super tight and uncomfortable. It seemed like a crisis at the time, I even cried for a moment, but I found a pair that fit perfect, then bought a smoothie, and I was fine and dandy again. So like I said not complaining its just that I have heard people talk about so many of these things happening to them throughout there pregnancy and all at once it seems like the hormones have taken me over. But hey as of today there is only 6 weeks left until 37 weeks. It is getting so close. I am so ready to meet you baby girl.

Below are some pics I got at a keepsake u/s I had the other week. Some friends bought me one for my birthday and when I went in to use it at the u/s place they were in the process of training there techs in on a new machine that does all this cool 4D stuff, so that is why the pics are all different shades.

She yawned through the entire u/s and wouldn't cooperate. I think she was trying to tell me that I hadn't had my daily cup of coffee yet and she needed that before anything else could happen.


  1. Adorable pics! And hurray to 31 wks! Get used to the pregnancy brain.... I've still got it hard, and Carter is 5 wks old!

  2. Great pics! I'm a hot mess over here... All of the sudden I can't breathe or get comfortable and nothing fits. Come on April!

  3. Congrats on the 31 week mark!!! So happy for you and just 6 to go. I love the pics from the ultrasound. Hang in are almost there girl!

  4. Gorgeous pictures... and not long to go until you meet her :) Pregnancy brain and hormones are a nightmare !! My husband held our daughter for the hour or so I was in recovery about her c-section... those are very precious memories for him :) Love to you always xoxo

  5. She is beautiful, love her yawning :) Cannot believe her arrival is only 6 weeks away. Thinking of you, dear friend.

  6. I love the ultrasound pics! They are awesome and she is already cute:) I'm so glad the baby shower went well. Not too much longer. im so excited for you. I can't wait to see pictures of her

  7. I am so happy for you guys! We're trying to plan a vacation for mid-April, and I was worried we wouldn't get a room because of how close the date is. Then I thought "Oh my goodness, less than six weeks until Becky's baby is here...that's soon!"

    Hope you're doing well. I've sat down to start writing an email for you twice, but then I never seem to finish it. Maybe I'll get it to you before the baby arrives ;)
