Friday, June 22, 2012

2 Months

My little beauty, I miss you so, so much. Two months ago you were born and even though it wasn't the birth I had wanted for you I was still so happy to know you were here. There is so much I want to say but really it all amounts to the same thing. I love you, I miss you, and I'll never undestand why life had to do this to me, to your father, to your brother, and now to you. You should be two months old today.
Your momma is in a very bad place these days and she just doesn't know what to do with herself anymore. I have heard people say that if you could die of a broken heart, they surely would have. Well I am wondering if that is possible because this is destroying me and I just can't wait until the day that I get to be with you again baby girl.
Love you forever, Mom

Finally got these done


  1. Beautiful pictures to represent your beautiful babies. Thinking of you and how incredibly hard life must be right now.

  2. These are so beautiful. We are all pulling for you, and though I know this does nothing to alleviate your heartache, I just want you to know you are being thought of so much. You and your babies. :)

  3. What beautiful pictures. I hope your heart can be happy again...I know it will never be the same.

  4. Thinking of you Evelynn and Liam always...
    I can't believe it's been 2 months. How can time move so quickly without them :( :'(

  5. Love the photos. I'm sorry you're hurting so much. Wish this wasn't your reality.

  6. I hear you. Really wish there was something I could do to lessen your pain. Pls vent out as much as you can. Love to you and your beautiful babies

  7. I think of you and your babies every day. Carly has created beautiful memorial photos for your beautiful children.

  8. Sending love to you and your husband and your babies. It's all so unfair. I'm sorry.

  9. Thinking of your and your children often - wish there was more I could do.

  10. Those photos are really beautiful. Sending my thoughts to you and your babies today.

  11. Sending love and thinking of you,your family, Liam and Evelynn.xoxox

  12. Hugs momma. Thinking of you ALL.

  13. I'm thinking of you and Liam and Evelynn so much. Holding you all in my heart xx

  14. Sending love to you and your sweet babies. I wish I had more words but there are none. ((hugs, mama))

  15. I think of you often. Many hugs.

  16. Thinking of you with all my heart... love to you always xoxo

  17. The pictures are so beautiful. Thinking of you and your babies <3

  18. My thoughts, love and prayers are with you. I'm so sorry you have to live this.

  19. My thoughts and prayers are with you all, your sweet, beautiful children and with you and your husband. My mind cannot get around what life has done to your family.
