Monday, July 23, 2012

3 Months

My sweet Evelynn,

My beautiful baby girl, can it really be that 3 months ago yesterday that you were born and I first got to see you? Why though does it have to be that tomorrow marks 3 months without you as well? I think about you almost every minute of everyday, but you already know that I'm sure. I wish I could kiss those cute chubby cheeks and your little button nose, brush your beautiful dark hair, and wrap my arms around your perfect, little, chubby, baby body. I got to do all of that in a few short days with you, that I will treasure forever, but hate that I will never get to again. I miss all that, I miss you.
You will always be my perfect, beautiful baby girl.
I love you so much.
Love always,


  1. Thinking of you and both Liam and Evelynn today, and sending peace to you, Mama...

  2. Hugs momma! Thinking of you and sweet Evelynn.

  3. Think of you and your babies daily. Love to you.

  4. I love the words written that decorative sign!

  5. Love to your family. She sure did have cute chubby cheeks - what a beautiful girl.

  6. Sending my love and hugs! <3 Evelynn <3

  7. I'm so sorry. It isn't fair. Yesterday was my baby boy's 4 month 'birthday'. He was only alive for three days. I really love the photo you included, the saying. Is that something you have in your home?

    Love and hugs <3

    1. I wish I had that sign in my home. I found it on Facebook on another blms page

    2. I bought that sign on not long after our Parker died. I love it. By far my favorite peice of bought art ever!


  8. Your letter and quote are beautiful... love to you and your two dear children xoxo

  9. *tear*

    Sending you much love.

  10. I'm so sorry. It's just not fair. Thinking of you and sweet little Evelynn.

  11. Love that quote, thinking of you, Evelynn & Liam. You are on my mind and in my heart always.
