Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Baby Via Gestational Carrier Journey Update 3

On Thursday, August 23, 2012 Jessica met with our RE. She called me immediately after the appt. and said that everything went GREAT! She said that our RE was surprised by how much she already new about the process. After the consult, and Jessica agreed that she did indeed want to move forward with this, she got an HSG. That also went great!

I practically started bawling on the phone with joy hearing her tell me how well it went. It really was the news I needed.

Now the fun stuff can begin, right?

I called our lawyer immediately after I talked to her and told him that she was cleared and that we can get started with the contract end of this. I have never had a need to hire a lawyer before. Yesterday I paid our retainer fee. Today I faxed our paperwork saying that we do in fact want that lawyer to prepare our gestational carrier agreement and also prepare our legal documents to get our names as the parents of the child(ren) on the birth certificate.

On Sunday night, the 26th, we skyped with Jessica and her husband. It was the first time we have seen them since we met back in May. I am eager to get our contract wrote up. I already had a whole list of questions for them pertaining to what should go in the contract, as it is important to make sure we have the same values going into this. Once I get the basic contract from the lawyer we plan to go back and forth via email adding in or crossing out anything that might or might not be of some concern. We talked about a few of these things when we first met with them and so far we still tend to agree on some of the bigger issues like number of embryos transferred, views on selective reduction, and how to cover loss of wages if she can't work. So far so good!

This afternoon I got a call from our RE clinic nurse coordinator. She told me the next step is to make sure that there is good access to my ovaries for the egg retrieval. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I can get in with my Ob and get the u/s needed to verify that. At that same appt. I will most likely be getting my infectious disease testing as well. Infectious disease testing is next on the list for Jessica as well. Then we can both do our counseling sessions.

Still quite a few months until transfer time, but at least we are still moving forward with this process.


  1. Yay! So happy for the positive news :)

  2. So glad for this step in the right direction. Keeping your family in my thoughts as you embark on this journey

  3. :) This makes my heart happy. Fingers crossed things keep moving forward in such a positive way. You deserve this Becky.

  4. So glad to hear an update and see that things are moving forward! YEAH!

  5. Yay, Becky! What a blessing! I'm so happy for you that everything is going smoothly, and will continue to hold you and your babes in my heart...

  6. That is so fantastic! I am so happy to hear about this step - it's a huge one!! Jessica is awesome :)

  7. Fantastric news! I'm glad things are moving forward and quickly! Thinking of you always...

  8. That's great. I hope things start to move quickly from here on out!

  9. What a relief! Such happy news! So hopeful for you all!

  10. I'm so glad to hear this! Thinking of you and your family as you move forward. Sending much love.

  11. That's really great news. you're certainly heading in the right direction. I continue to think of you and your babies every day. Your story has moved me so much.

  12. I'm so glad to hear the process is moving forward. Fingers crossed that it continues this way...

  13. I'm just now logging on to Blogger and seeing this. I'm so happy to hear that everything is moving forward for you guys. Always praying and thinking about you!

  14. I am so happy that things are moving forward for your family. Thinking of you <3
