Thursday, December 6, 2012

"I Believe" Video- Our Journey through Loss and the Hope of Bringing a Baby Home

Even though we are already working with a fertility clinic, I decided to make a video for the "I Believe" video contest through Sher Institutes. They are giving away a free IVF cycle at one of there many clinics. The clinic we are already established at isn't one of them, but if our clinic doesn't end up working out and we win this, I would definitely make the switch.

What do you all think? Do we have a winner or what?


  1. If it helps I'd pick you! Wish you the best of luck!

  2. Beautiful. But just check for some spelling mistakes :)

    1. I agree-it's perfect except for some grammar errors in the use of the word 'there' instead of 'their'. I hope you win.

  3. The video is so beautifully done and still so heartbreaking. Is there somewhere others can vote or is this just something they pick? Is there anywhere for us to vote?

    1. I think the voting for this is going to be on the 11th. I am not definite but I believe voters have to go to the Sher website and vote on there favorites there.

  4. Is there somewhere we can go to vote or is this something they choose themselves? This video is so beautifully done. So much love to you guys!

  5. Wow, that made me cry. Definite winner.

  6. This is gorgeous! Brought me to tears. Definitely check for spelling/grammar mistakes, but otherwise a winner. Let me know if there's a place to vote!

  7. Becky, I thought it was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

  8. I was watching some of the videos on Sher's website yesterday. I will most def vote for you.

  9. Heartbreaking but beautiful. Nobody deserves this chance more.


  10. I just cried reading this as I do every time your story. You so deserve this. I cant wait until you have a beautiful baby in your arms!

  11. It is beautiful Becky. Totally made me cry. Both of your children are such gorgeous babies. I hope you win the free IVF cycle.

  12. I would vote for you. Let me know if we can (there was a clinic in Canada having a similar contest about a year ago and we could read the stories of the finalists and vote.

    The video is great. Looking at your before pictures was haunting. I always find them that way. The people are so unsuspecting of the hell that is about to become their lives. I love looking at your babies, they are so beautiful. It hurts me so much that they aren't in your arms.

    I read every one of your blog posts, but I don't always comment as it's usually on my iPAD and commenting is a pain on it. But I read them all and you're always on my mind.

  13. Beautiful video- in tears over here. Going over to the website to see about voting now!

  14. Tears Becky. I think of you and your children all the time. This is a beautiful video, a winner hands down.

  15. Liam and Evelyn are so beautiful. Your video deserves to win more than anyone else's. I really wish it wins. Much love to baby Liam and baby Evelyn.

  16. Yes yes yes! If it were up to me you'd definitely be the winner!! You did such a good job. ((hugs))

  17. Let us know when and where to vote, and you've got it!

    This is beautiful (as are you) and I cried the whole way through.

  18. how do we vote? cried the whole 3 minutes 51 seconds

    1. The voting starts tomorrow. I will post a link on my blog with the post I am working on that will take you to the voting area.
