Saturday, February 2, 2013

Baby Via Gestational Carrier Journey Update 9

January 16, 2013 We got to the clinic at 9am on Wednesday morning. At about 9:20am we were brought back to a room where I got a couple valium to help relax me and also had to put a gown and robe on. I had my vitals taken and then got an IV placed. Our RE then came in just before 10:30am and explained what was going to happen during the retrieval. Dereck had to stay in the room we were in and I got brought down to the procedure room. I was able to watch the whole process on monitors next to me and so did Dereck in the room he was in. The procedure was over within minutes and then I got wheeled back in by Dereck. The retrieval ended up going way better than expected. The other day we had only 3 mature follicles, but another must have grew enough thay we ended up getting 4 eggs. It is still less than what we hoped, but 4 is better than 3. After the retrieval we were told that ICSI will most likely be done to help with fertilizing the eggs. Fertilization isn't necessarily an issue with for us but our RE wanted to be on the safe side since we only had the 4. We were then told that if 4 embryos are created and look good we may try for a 5 day transfer, but if they aren't doing well the transfer may be on day 2 instead. Another nerve racking day of waiting until we hear how the embryos look. Jessica started her progesterone injections today also. Need to make sure her lining is good and she is ready for the transfer. January 17, 2013 At about noon we received a call from the clinic. The nurse said she couldn't tell us anything about our embryos other than fertilization took place. She then said that our RE thinks it is important that we do a 2 day transfer versus a 5 day. He feels that our embryos would be better off in their natural environment verus being in their incubators. I hate that the nurse couldn't tell us at least how many embryos we have. Did all 4 make it then? She then told us the time we needed to be back at the clinic the next day. We will first be speaking with the embryologist and then the transfer will take place right after. The clinic then called Jessica to inform her that she needed to be at the clinic tomorrow as well.
I can't believe we are doing the transfer already tomorrow. We weren't even planning on doing the egg retrieval until this weekend. I see another night of little sleep as I am so incredibly anxious. January 18, 2013 Dereck and I and Jessica and her husband arrived at the clinic at 9:45am today. Jessica got brought back to the transfer room right away to get ready. Dereck and I then got brought back to a separate room where the embryologist came in and spoke to us. We got our report card and she explained it to us. We started out with 4 eggs on Wednesday. Only 2 of those were mature so they did ICSI on both of those. For anyone who doesn't know what ICSI is, it is where they take one sperm and they put it into the egg to help with fertilization. Normally a bunch of sperm would just get thrown in the dish with an egg and let fertilization happen naturally.


So ICSI was done on 2 of our eggs, but only one fertilized. My jaw dropped and I almost started crying. How is it that we do IVF, when we have gotten pregnant without it twice, but yet we do it and only end up with one. I guess I thought for sure that we would have a lot of eggs and then a lot of embryos. I am overjoyed that we do have one though. One is better than none. At least 2 would've been nice so then we could transfer 2, and not just so we could have a better chance at twins, but also to up our chances of having at least one of them stick. We also do not have any embryos for the freezer so if this one doesn't take we have to start the IVF process over in a few months. Let's just hope this works the first time. Anyway back to our one embryo. The embryologist said that even though we only have the one embryo we have about as perfect of a 2 day embryo as you can get. It got graded at 4A-, which apparently is really good. The embryologist asked if we had anymore questions and then brought us into the transfer room with Jessica and her husband.
Inside the transfer Dereck and sat in a couple of chairs to the side of the transfer table along with Jessica's husband. Our RE then came in and had Jessica lay on the table. He explained to her and the rest of us exactly what he was going to be doing. First he did an u/s to check her uterus and make sure there weren't any chances since the last one she had. Then he did a mock transfer just to make sure that the embryo would make it in okay. That went well so now it was time for the actual transfer. It was kind of weird but the nurse in the room actually turned the lights down low and turned on some quiet music. Almost like they were setting the mood. Like this whole process wasn't awkward enough.

A perfect 2 day embryo

After the embryo was placed the doctor shook all of our hands, said he was glad that he good be a part of our journey, and also said what a wonderful person Jessica is to do this for us. We were in that room awhile longer since Jessica was told she needed to lay for about 5-10 minutes before they would let her leave.
After Jessica was released we all went for lunch. I ended up buying a book for Jessica, that I had learned of through another intended parent called the Kangaroo Pouch, and gave it to her at the restaurant. It is a book about surrogacy so that she could help to explain to her kids what was going on. Jessica will have her Beta in 2 weeks. She was told that maybe the earliest we could do a pregnancy test wold be in about a week and a half. We decided that since we will be up in the area where she lives visiting Dereck's family that maybe we could swing by there place for dinner and then do a home pregnancy test then. After lunch we said our goodbyes for now.

I can't believe our journey of trying to bring home a rainbow baby has started once again. I so hope everything works out for us this time. For now I am optimistic. Now how to get through the next week and half and then hopefully the next 9 months?


  1. Holy crap, this is amazing. I really, really, really freaking hope this works, my friend!

    Thanks so much for updating us all. You know we're all on pins and needles hoping and wishing that this baby will grow and be a part of your family. I wish more embryos were formed, but I'm so excited for you that the embryo that made it was so high class. Look at your classy babies. ;)

    Anxiously awaiting good news with you. Love to you guys.

  2. Hoping all goes well! Praying for you!

  3. Becky, I have everything crossable crossed for you and Dereck! Praying, praying, praying... <3

  4. This is such an amazing process! I am so happy you're sharing your journey through your blog. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the embryo will stick, and the Jessica will have a smooth pregnancy.

  5. Oh wow, on pins and needles with you! We all are! So, so hopeful for this to work out!

  6. Every appendage of mine is crossed for you guys! Stick baby stick!

  7. Come on embryo, do your thang!!!! OMG this is so exciting and terrifying! Thanks again for sharing your journey. I don't know how any of us are going to make it through the next week and a half!!

  8. I want this for you guys so much. SO MUCH

  9. Thank you for sharing this with us. A journey indeed and oh my God do I hope it goes well.

  10. I'm in tears just wishing so hard this little one sticks and starts to grow! But omg that's funny about the mood music during the transfer.

  11. Omg I just want the hours and days to pass quickly for you guys. The waiting is torture. Wishing, hoping and even praying that this littlest brother or sister is the one to come home with you. Xxxxoooo

  12. We JUST completed our surrogacy journey with my SIL.. There were ups and downs, but overall the experience was AMAZING! Our son was born 9 weeks ago! Sending up prayers for you and your surrogate! sticky vibes and babydust!

  13. Congrats! I can't wait to hear good news in two weeks. I purchased The Kangaroo Pouch to read to my daughter when I was short listed as GC for a couple here in NC. Although that journey didn't take off, I'm glad to have a book on our shelf about one of the many ways to build a family.

  14. oh man. I've got everything crossed for you. Knowing it means nothing I'm hoping and hoping for you and baby!

  15. Praying so hard for you guys. Stick baby stick!!!

  16. Wow. That whole process must have been so nerve-wracking! Deep breaths! Hoping for excellent news in two weeks!

  17. I hope I hope I hope so very much for this to go smoothly and successfully for you guys! Sending love and sticky healthy vibes!

  18. Such a roller-coaster this Land of IF. Routing for you and Derek! Best of luck.

  19. I haven't been on my blog in FOREVER! And happened to come on here tonight. I'm praying so very hard for you and Derek right now!!!!! Please little embryo grow! It only takes one, keep that in mind, and stay hopeful!

  20. praying, hoping, sending all of the love in the world!

  21. Fingers crossed so hard for you! I know it must have been disappointing to only have 1 to put back but there are so many positives as well - more room to grow, no worry about IUGR, less risk overall!

    Love that you got her that book!

  22. I'm sending all my hope and wishes for a great outcome!!

    I also wanted to let you know I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! Read about it here and follow the instructions:

    Keep up the good writing!

  23. Oh I have watched your journey, and I am praying for you with all that I am! HUGS!xxx

  24. thinking of you and keeping you and Jessica in my prayers.

  25. I am so touched by your blog and its intensity, that I want to nominate you for the Liebster Award. Your journey is so inspiring. I hope you accept, because you deserve it.
    Follow my link to learn more. The instructions will be posted on my site. http://fittsies

  26. Keeping you all in my prayers! Sticky thoughts to the baby! You describe it so well. I remember our IVF like it was yesterday, not ten years ago. We had 26 eggs, half fertilized but by day 3 we only had two left, so you can't go by how many you get. Just be thrilled it was so perfect! Can't wait to see that ++++++++!

  27. This has to be so nerveracking for you because I feel like I'm on pins and needles and I'm simply reading all of this from afar. I am so, so hopeful for you and Derrick. Yes, Jessica is wonderful to do this for you, but you guys are wonderful and amazing for holding on to hope through the darkest of times and honoring Liam and Evelynn by continuing to seek a way to grow your family.

  28. Can't stop thinking of you guys! Crossing everything!

  29. Thinking of you Becky!!!!!!!!!! Hoping this is it!!

  30. This is just amazing, seeing pictures of Max-to-be. Hope you're loving your babymoon! So unbelievably happy for you! <3
