Friday, March 29, 2013

Our Carrier is Pregnant- 12 weeks/ 3 Months

Yeah for this point!!!!

Here is baby measuring at 8 weeks and 6 days. Apparently he/she is quite active and at each u/s so far has been moving all over the place. Heartbeat was 171.

March 14, 2013
Since we have to be self pay, Jessica helped us work out a deal with the ob clinic and hospital. She was able to get us a 20% discount if we paid for everything in full right now. So today we paid off all of Jessica's prenatal care, the anatomy scan, and for a regular vaginal delivery. Now Dereck and I will be crossing our fingers that this pregnancy decides to stay complication free. 
Jessica also sent me a recording using my doppler I sent her, but for some reason I can't figure out how to upload it on my blog. It was nice to hear that sound though.

March 29, 2013
So here we are today, the big 12 weeks or 3 months. I am so happy that we are almost out of the first trimester.  I wish I could truly say that getting to this point means I can stop stressing about problems occurring. Afterall, miscarriage was never really the issue with me and pregnancies, not that I am not aware that it still could or could've happened. Anyone who has been following along is probably well aware that one of my main concerns is our baby having a birthdefect, spina bifida especially, like Liam had. We did the extra testing with Evelynn to make sure she was fine, but I don't think we are going to do any extra testing with this baby, beyond the anatomy scan that is, unless the doctor feels the need for it to be done. Hopefully after that I can breathe easy until we get close to that 36 week mark when I am sure I will go crazy until baby is born and in my arms alive and healthy.

The thing that kind of sucks about not getting any early testing done though, now I probably have to wait until the anatomy scan to find out what our little button is. Girl or Boy???

Also if you anyone noticed or not, I broke down and created a pregnancy ticker for this baby. The stork in the picture fits perfectly!!!!

Almost a 1/3 of the way through, approx. 28 weeks left, and less than 200 days remaining-but whose counting.


  1. We.are.all.counting! Ha! Yay for 3 months. 200 days better fly by! Xxxooo can't wait until we get to know if Evelynn ad Liam have a little brother or know my fingers are crossed <3

  2. What a cute little baby! :) Let's fast forward a few months, please? ;)

  3. Yay! What an amazing sonogram, I can't believe that's at only 8w6d! Baby looks like "Hey Mom! I'm just hanging out and taking it easy."

    I hope to be sharing my own baby news soon. I have a good feeling about this month.

  4. Woohoo! What an awesome update! <3

  5. Anxiously waiting for a baby in our arms... and to bring home. Yes. Oh hells yes.

    On your team, my friend. Wanting this for you so bad and hoping that little moving person just keeps right on a growin' healthy and with no defects.

  6. Yay, yay, yay! 1st tri is done! And what a sweet pic! Grow Baby R, grow!

  7. Definitely counting along with you! Yay for first trimester being done. Continuing to pray for you guys. Keep on growing strong little one! Sending lots of love!!

  8. One big milestone behind you all. Wanting time to go by so very quickly with the happiest outcome possible!!

  9. So excited to see this post!!! Made me smile to see that beautiful picture of your little tike!! Counting down the days with you! :-)

  10. That just might be the cutest 8w6d baby I have ever seen inmy life!! He/she is just chillin'!! Loving being included in your journey, and lovin that sweet little babe. Thanks for the awesome update!!

  11. I am so happy you have the first trimester behind you now! I like the ticker! Counting the days with you.

  12. Beautiful little baby! Hoping time flies for you!

  13. Can't wait until that countdown is in the double digits. !!! Congratulations on getting this far. I once had someone say "Everyone's pregnancies are flying by...except [yours]." Same is true for you. When there is this much investment on every level - every minute is an hour.
    Can't wait until we look back and think "It actually went faster than I thought" and we're celebrating that beautiful baby! Great ultrasound picture, by the way. Exciting to hear the baby is so active.
    Thanks for the update! Look forward to more.

  14. Congrats for now being almost at 13 weeks!! I hope this pregnancy flies by!

  15. Yay for entering the 2nd trimester! I hope the 2nd & 3rd trimesters go by quickly & smoothly for you guys! I love the ultrasound by the way :)

  16. So excited for you! Good Luck and my thoughts are with you.

  17. Oh this is such good news Becky. Counting the weeks and days with you.
    Sending love and hope xx
