Thursday, September 26, 2013

Update 2 and Pictures!!!

Jessica let me know she had a rough night last night. Her Dr. checked her out this morning and she has now dilated to a 3 and for the second time he stripped the membranes. Not much happened after the last time he did that, but maybe this time will be different. Her Dr. is going to check things out again in a couple hours. Hopefully things will have progressed.

I feel like I have been on the emotional side lately. Between that rude comment on my last blog post, waiting for Max to come, the worrying that he will be okay, and thinking a lot about my sweet Evelynn it is breaking me down. Even pregnant women seem to be everywhere again. It is driving me crazy. I want Max here and yet I just want my little girl. My little girl who should be almost a year and a half old. I am scared something will still go wrong with Max. I am scared to have a living baby. I'm anxious for his delivery and how things will be once he's born. I'm excited for him to be here. I really, really, really miss my Evelynn. I am tired of just being "here". I want to finally move forward, to parent a living baby.

Here are some of the pictures we took back on Sept 15th at 37 weeks.


  1. Those are really lovely :)

  2. The pictures are absolutely beautiful. Hope you have sweet Max in your arms soon.

  3. Hi. This is the first time I am posting a comment, although I check your blog regularly. As with others, I am waiting to hear the good news of Max's birth. So much so that I will be visiting a temple I have great faith in, for giving thanks and seeking blessings for Max once you post your update. This is the temple I frequent for every significant occassion in my life (including the birth of my IVF baby)

    Its amazing to see how anticipated Max's arrival is, across continents and how many people are praying for him. I am sure his elder brother and sister are looking over him right now. Hope that all the prayers and wishes will give you the strength to ease (even a little bit) the worries.

    Best of luck, hugs to you and Jessica and do post updates if you can.

  4. The pictures turned out beautifully! I have never commented before but I've followed your journey for awhile now and I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to seeing Max make his much awaited arrival into the world. You deserve all the best and may he be happy and healthy.

  5. OM Goodness! Those pictures are too special for words! What wonderful treasures!

  6. My Bun, Her Oven - love it! Those are so sweet. The third picture is awesome! Well they all are. I really hope you don't have to wait it out over the weekend for Max to get evicted. But if you do, I hope the time passes quickly and gently. You are all in my constant thoughts. Let's go Max, it's game time.

  7. I love all of these, but my favorite is the one of you touching Max. Your face literally lights up.

    I know you're missing your sweet girl. It's such a terrible and wonderful time. Knowing you're days from meeting Max and knowing you were just days from meeting Evelynn. I know that connection has to be eating at you. Wishing and hoping and thinking of you nonstop.

  8. There was a rude comment on your last post? Tell 'em to go to hell! Love you and LOVE the maternity shoot. Gorgeous pics of 2 beautiful mommas. Oh and HURRY UP MAX!!!!!!!!!!

  9. These pictures are adorable!!! Can't wait to see Max in your arms <3

  10. These made me cry! I can't wait to hear the fantastic news that he's in your arms!

  11. These made me cry! I can't wait to read the fantastic news that he's in your arms!

  12. Beautiful! She should be here too. She should. And Liam. What a confusion of wishes and desires. Your joy at THIS moment comes through next to the desire for Liam and Evelynn, and what an amazing kind of love to hold in your heart at one time.

  13. I cried looking at the beautiful! You and Jessica look like you could be sisters! So happy you found each other!

  14. These pictures are wonderful! I adore each one of them. Your blog might crash with all of us checking in so frequently for updates on Max :P Looking forward to the next set of pictures of you, Dereck, and Max!

  15. These pictures are so beautiful! I love them all! Cannot wait to see little Max. Sending you all hope and love!

  16. I love these shots, Becky. I'm thinking of you and baby Max so much. Sending love and light and hope.

  17. Oh, the pictures are beautiful! I hope Max makes an appearance this weekend. I know this wait must be stressful & emotional. Thinking of you guys and hoping this time flies until he is in your arms!

  18. Beautiful pictures! I am sorry Evelynn is not here to meet her little brother (and Liam too of course)

  19. These are beautiful pictures.

  20. I already commented but I just went back and looked at them again and my fave is the third one where Max's belly is poking out but I also love the one where you have your hands on Jessica's belly. I know the pain and grief in your eyes. I know the wishing for Evelynn. I know it and I'll tell you that until I held Nathan in my arms I would have chosen Eva. And Lord I wanted my girl so bad. So bad. But Nathan is here now and I love him so much. I know you will be the best mom ever to Max and I can't wait to read this blog with photos of Max interspersed throughout each post. You are an amazing mama already!

  21. goosebumps all over. This is simply amazing! Love to you!

  22. Just finally looking at these pics! How awesome! Love every single one of them! Such creative ways to show Max how much he is loved!

  23. Beautiful. My favorite is the one where you are holding Jessica's belly. Friendship, grief, hope, love, and excitement all wrapped up in one picture. These pics are treasures and I'm sure Max will enjoy looking at them when he is muuuuch older and can fully comprehend.

  24. I don't think I've ever commented here, but just had to. Those pictures are simply beautiful! There are no words that can adequately describe the beauty and emotion that comes through in them. What a wonderful blessing.

  25. I don't think I've ever commented here, but just had to. Those pictures are simply beautiful! There are no words that can adequately describe the beauty and emotion that comes through in them. What a wonderful blessing.
