Saturday, February 15, 2014

Max's Eye Surgery

When Max was born we had about 5 different Dr's look at his eyes. We thought we were in the clear, no sign of cataracts, and he seemed to be seeing fine. Then at his 4 month check the pediatrician wasn't seeing the red reflux like he needed and referred us to an ophthalmologist. To make a long story short we got seen by the ophthalmologist and Max got eye surgery 2 days later. Having lost 2 babies already, 1 during surgery and the other shortly after, we were nervous for him, but as I said, I had the surgery and my dad had the surgery, and we can both see. So, we were definitely nervous but at the same not as much as I thought we'd be. He came out of the surgery fine with no sign of infection or other issues. And as much as I never wanted one of babies to have to deal with the ugly thick glasses, the look on his face when he got them after surgery, letting us know he could see, and see really good, was priceless. I've never seen a more talkative happy baby.

I remember when one of my biggest fears with having kids was that one or all of them would get my congenital cataracts. I had eye surgery to remove the cataracts when I was 22 months old and then again when I was 18 to get lens implants. Growing up I was the kid with the coke bottle glasses and didn't want my kids to get made fun of for something they couldn't control like I did. I now know their are worse things that can happen as I have lived it, for now I am just glad we made it through this.


  1. The pic of Max in glasses is so precious..glad the surgery went well!

  2. Handle anything that comes with alive, right? I'm sort of there with my kids. We've had some hiccups with weight gain that makes me feel inadequate and sad. Yet, I just have to be thankful they're alive. I remember when I feared my kids would have my "bad" eyes or crooked teeth and need braces. Now, I'm just thankful they're breathing.

    Max is just a sweet little button. Glasses or not, he's gorgeous and such a sweet little brother. I'm so thankful you have him. <3 I just wish you had Evelynn and Liam as well-- cataracts or not.

  3. Yup, exactly what Brandy wrote. Anything that comes with alive. There are far worse things, but of course nothing negates the fact it's terrifying!

    The good news? Max looks ultra hunky with those glasses. <3 Swoon!

  4. He is such a doll. I hate worrying about your kid getting teased or made fun of - I worry about that for Finn because he is so short and my husband was teased...still is! Just makes you sad as a parent to know they could get picked on for something they can't control. Yes, far far worse things, but still, we just want the very best for them in all aspects.

    Agree with LJ though - max is a little dreamier with this glasses! I just want to snuggle him.

  5. Glad to hear his surgery went well. Honestly, I never knew cataracts could be congenital. I still love his little glasses though!

  6. He is absolutely adorable! So glad the surgery went well! I hate that you had to gain your perspective through the loss of your precious Liam and Evelynn, but perhaps your more relaxed view of glasses and cataracts will be passed on to Max and he'll just roll his gorgeous eyes at the idiots and move along!

  7. I love his cute glasses! Perspectives definitely change! I am so happy he is here!

  8. He looks even cuter in those glasses! yay Max, you get to see your mom extra clear now. <3

  9. While my kids dont have cataracts, they have been in glasses since they were both18 months old. Not the most fun, CLaudia has had eye surgery and will likely need more in the future, as will Cole...but deal with glasses is way easier than dealing with grief. He looks adorable.

  10. Update please! How is life going?
