Saturday, January 31, 2015

January Update

This month and year has been rather busy so far with us trying to get all of our adoption stuff done. I have been working on a post about everything that we have been doing that will be finished soon. It's so exciting! I wish I could've got a post out sooner about it but we have had a horrible string of sickness go through our house on and off for the past 3-4 weeks.

So, besides being incredibly busy with the adoption stuff, trying to get unsick, and playing with Max of course, I decided to go ahead and get the 2nd blood test on my next period at the beginning of the month. Apparently, I like to kick myself while I'm down, but I just had to know. We also already knew that know matter the results, it wasn't going to change our decision to adopt. After waiting multiple weeks, until a few days ago, I got a letter in the mail from our RE. To sum it up, the letter pretty much said the results were as crappy as they were last month when I got the blood work done, confirming that I really do have diminished ovarian reserve. My RE said that if we decided to move forward we must know that our chances are slim of even getting more than one follicle, but that they'd be more than willing to work with us again, but a donor egg is preferred. I expected that and am surprisingly not as down about it as I feel I normally am about bad results. I think I'll just always be frustrated, especially when I see so many others make it all seem so easy. Also, just looking back at when I first went to my Ob Dr., like 6 years ago now, about how we weren't getting pregnant and she just kept telling me that it was because I was too skinny and I exercise too much. Even though I kept telling her that I eat way more calories in a day than is probably recommended, I don't work out that much, and that I have athlete friends that have gotten pregnant on their first try. I guess it doesn't matter anymore, except now I feel like their was clearly a logical reason all long, but she never bothered to look more into it.

Also, just adding to my minor frustration, is the fact that since I finished breastfeeding I have had a period every month since. That's like 3 horrible crampy ass periods in a row, and without having to take meds to get one. It just really frustrates me since I've barely had a period for the past 12 years of my life, which don't get me wrong, not getting a period is pretty darn awesome, except of course when you're trying to monitor your cycles to track ovulation so you can get pregnant. Then having a period and regular cycles are pretty darn important. So, as you can imagine my body deciding to actually work when I have made the decision to no longer want to get pregnant or need my little to no remaining eggs, it kind of makes me feel like my body is trying to play some kind of a cruel joke on me. Maybe it'll just decided to go away again soon.......

Another new discussion we have had is on permanent birth control. I actually haven't been on birth control for quite sometime, which might seem silly because their is always the chance it could happen, but it hasn't, and we don't want it to neither. So, Dereck was thinking about getting a vasectomy. it's crazy to think about when our family isn't complete yet, but we know that I'm not going to be carrying a baby again. We also still have sperm cryopreserved if for some reason we do decide to use an egg donor and get another carrier. Just seems crazy that we are at this point already.

How is tomorrow already February?


  1. Sounds like you need a hug. So here's a virtual one.

    Here's hoping February is a better month.

  2. Sending you love. It sound like you're making headway on the adoption stuff and you are handing the bad news form the doctor well enough. It just sucks to even be in this situation.


  3. Good luck with the adoption! I think you have made a good and safe choice for your family. I know you will take great care of a baby who otherwise would not have had a good life if it wasn't for you making this choice! Post more pics of Max soon please!

  4. Ugh, that diagnosis sucks. It's mine, too (DOR). And yeah, periods with that diagnosis do seem like a cruel joke. Can't wait to hear more about your adoption stuff! Big hugs!

  5. It blows my mind that the original doctor told you it was because you were too skinny. And seriously, what a cruel joke that period is coming in and terrorizing you! The times you wanted it most, it wasn't there. And now, of course. :/

    I can't wait to read about the upcoming adoption news. Eeek!

  6. Exciting about the adoption!! Even though the news about your ovarian reserve really sucks, I think it's good that you got the confirmation and now don't have to do the "what-if's." Or at least that's what I would do if I didn't know for sure. I'm looking forward to reading your posts about your adoption journey :) Hopefully the sicknesses have moved along, too.
