Friday, January 13, 2012

22 Weeks

So we are are now at 22 weeks, woohoo!
And the kicks are getting stronger and more frequent each day!

I am getting more and more excited and hopeful for this pregnancy as time goes by with less and less paranoid freak out days. I had an appt with my Ob yesterday and it was so nice hearing her say, yet again, that I am looking happier and sound so much more hopeful than from the first few months. I agree, it is definitely getting easier and easier to be optimistic with all of the good u/s and labs that we have had. I think even getting past Liam's birthday took a load off my chest.
I also know I sounded pretty bitter on my 20 week post, which was right before Liam's birthday which I guess makes sense why I was feeling that way, hence the negativity toward reaching the half way point and viability milestones. As I said though I have been feeling so much better since then.
Part of it might also have to do with some of the struggles a few of my fellow pregnant babyloss mommas have been dealing with. I hope they all know how often I think of them and there babies. I pray daily for you guys that everything will work out and your babies will born as healthy as can be.

In the meantime between working on my scrapbook for Liam, which I have been making pretty good progress on, I have also been shopping for my little lady like crazy on Amazon. I have decided that everything I need for my girl I can find on there website. Everything so far is cheaper than I can get in stores and pretty much has free shipping. So I decided for my baby registry it will be Amazon and Amazon only. Plus, not having to risk talking to a store worker about my pregnancy is awesome. I refuse to have to go through another horrible Motherhood Maternity type experience, which I wrote about at week 18, when I bought my very first pair of maternity jeans.

Here are a few things that I can't wait to see my little girl wearing:

If you think I'm cute, you should see my brother.

My big brother is my hero.

I love my big brother.

little sister


  1. Love the baby clothes, she'll be so cute wearing them.. I think my fave is the My Big Brother is my Hero one.. too sweet! Yay for 22 wks, I'm glad you're feeling more upbeat these days!

  2. Love the clothes,so glad you are feeling a bit better.xo

  3. congrats on hitting 22wks! I hope the happiness and optimism continues cuz you deserve it! glad to hear youre feeling baby kicks, they are so reassuring! love the baby clothes too :)

  4. I hope the happiness remains and you get to a happy ending this time. In fact I feel confident now, that you will. It will be so nice taking home your beautiful baby girl and putting her in all those lovely clothes

  5. Becky, they are all so adorable. I can't wait to get things like this but I'm waiting to get a little further along. I'll be 22 weeks this Sunday. I wanted to email you earlier but somehow lost your email that I had. We are just about on the same time frame. I think of you often and your pregnancy now. Hugs, Shelly

  6. Congrats on hitting 22 weeks! :) I'm so glad that you're feeling more optimistic, also. Love the onesies by the way!! :)

  7. I love all the big brother clothes you got for her! Feeling my boys kick was my favorite part of pregnancy! When they got bigger it was the hiccups and my ENTIRE belly jumped with them. Im so happy that you are becoming more optomistic! <3

  8. These are so cute! I loved seeing Asher in his "little brother" clothes. I continue to pray and hope that your little babe makes her entrance happy, healthy. Sending you lots of love and hugs!

  9. Hey, I vaguely remember you posting about having a chariot? If so, just wanted to pass this on:

    Glad to see you are doing wonderful. :)

  10. Congrats on making it to 22 weeks! I love all of the baby clothes- adorable!

  11. I'm here following you on your journey and hoping for you too Becky. Sending love and light from Montreal xx

  12. I found your blog on faces of loss, faces of hope. I am so sorry for your loss. I love the name Liam. I too lost my baby, Lily Katherine, who was stillborn at fullterm on March 16, 2010. It's good to find people who 'get it' in the blogging community. I'd love to have you follow along on my blog as well;

  13. Hope all is well.... I've been thinking about ya!
