Sunday, January 6, 2013

Baby Via Gestational Carrier Journey Update 7

December 20, 2012
During those couple of weeks since I had got those first horrible prolactin results, that made me want to kick and scream and throw a tantrum, I did everything possible to help lower my levels before the next test. I took the Dostinex my RE ordered. I ate a diet high in zinc and B6. I avoided artificial sweeteners, limited my caffeine intake, and stopped taking my antidepressants. I pretty much did anything and everything that my Dr. and Dr. Google told me to do that had the potential to lower my prolactin. Well folks, I got my prolactin checked again and the results were AWESOME! Just a few weeks prior they were at 132.5, which was way out of range, but now they were at 2.4! I was so worried that it wouldn't even be close to the 20 range, which is what it needed to be at or below, but 2.4, holy crap, its like a Christmas miracle. I was literally jumping for joy. That is exactly the news I needed to help me get through the holidays.

December 27, 2012
It was finally time to get my labs done for infectious disease, so that is what I did that morning, and then shipped them to MN.
About a week earlier I had received a huge packet in the mail regarding all the meds that I was going to be taking, a calender of when to take them, and other paperwork with the rest of the stuff we needed to get done before we could proceed. I had a phone appt. with one of the nurses at our fertility clinic to discuss those meds and the calender with me. I feel like I am going to screw this up. It is a lot.
After my appt. I called one of the specialty pharmacies, on the list I was given, and ordered my meds, all $3200 worth of them. I will be injecting Follistim, Ganirelex, and Menopur. My HCG inj. is Pregnyl, and if needed I will still need to buy and inject Lupron. I also had to buy Doxycycline to prevent infection after the egg retrieval.

December 28, 2012
Jessica's meds arrived and she started them today.

January 2, 2013
Our IVF payment was due, all $12,035 of it.

January 3, 2013
Contract is finished, signed, and a letter was submitted to our clinic stating that we are working with a lawyer and have a contract in place.
This was also the last day that I took my Northindrone- birth control.

January 4, 2013
My meds arrived! My meds arrived! This is really going to happen isn't it! Yikes! I seriously have a lot of respect for the women that have had to go through this process more than once. It really is a lot to take in!

Tomorrow Jessica and I will both be getting an u/s to check everything out one last time before the injections begin. If everything looks good the injections will begin Tuesday morning and evening for 10 days. The plan is to fly to MN on the 12th and get the rest of my u/s at our clinic there. The egg retrieval is planned for sometime between the 19th-21rst depending on how things go. Then hopefully the transfer will be 3-5 days later. So if all goes well Jessica will be pregnant by the end of this month.

I was starting to really get annoyed with my clinic, but it looks like things may just work out after all! I will do my best to keep everyone updated through this process but this next week is going to be a busy one and then we will be off to MN for another busy week ending with hopefully a very successful egg retrieval and then transfer. I know many people have gone through the gestational carrier process and even more have done IVF, but I am scared! If this doesn't work then we have to wait another two months until we can do either another egg retrieval or transfer again. If everything does work out this time though, then holy cow be prepared for the next 9 months of me freaking out at the chance of anything and everything going wrong.

Wish us luck that all goes well and we have a healthy living baby(s) in our arms by next fall!

"Hope is the feeling we have that the feeling we have is not permanent."

-Mignon McLaughlin-


  1. Reading this brings me to tears, Becky. I want so badly for this to work for you! Try not to stress about the meds and schedule. I know it's a lot (I felt the same way), but you'll get the hang of it quickly and will do great!! Xoxo...

  2. I am always thinking of you and your family. I will be hoping with you xoxox

  3. Oh how wonderful!!!! Will e thinking of and praying for y'all lots this month!!

  4. Yeah! Fx for great baselines!!

  5. I am thinking of you guys and hoping so freaking hard that Jess is pregnant this month! Amazing is what it would be! Christmas miracle? absolutely! Good job on the prolactin levels! :)

  6. Wishing lots of health, luck, and peace to both you and Jessica. Lots of love Becky.

  7. ((Hugs)) :) You're in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. Great news, it's all coming together :-)

  9. Thank you so much Becky for the update!!! Will be praying for a a bun in Jess's oven! Please continue to keep us posted. Fingers and toes, and He'll, even my eyes are crossed for you!

  10. Oh my goodnessgraciousme. I want this for you guys so bad. I sure hope you're freaking out about a pregnancy very soon. Here to support. Now and always!

  11. Wishing you the lots of baby dust over the next coming weeks. I will be squeezing my eyes shut and hoping for the best for you!

  12. Hoping so huge for you!!! Good luck Becky!

  13. After one IVF I knew I could never go through it again, especially after the loss. I just couldn't bare the thought of going through it all again and the expense and then to have a loss again. Hoping this works for you guys and thinking of you.

  14. Hoping everything works out for you guys! Lots of prayers and love going your way!

  15. Hoping everything works out for you guys! Lots of prayer and love going your way!

  16. Hope and prayers and peace and love and so much HOPE and did I mention HOPE? All for you and Deryck and Jessica and those babies in your arms!

  17. I pray you will have a baby or perhaps babies to hold in your arms at home this year. I read your whole story. After having two stillbirths, I know about anger, jealousy, and grief. I will follow your posts and pray.

  18. Yes, yes yes! This process has started! I have so much hope for you guys that is going to work.

  19. Want this to work for you! Will keep everything crossed

  20. Just catching up and realized that you are likely right next door (MN) by now. Prayers and love!!!

  21. I came across your blog by doing some research on NILMDTS as I work at the Child Death, Near Death and Stillbirth Commission in Delaware. Your story is both heart wrenching and moving. I admire your courage, and hope that you are blessed with a healthy baby soon!
