Friday, January 4, 2013

Liam's 2nd Birthday

Yesterday was Liam's 2nd birthday. I remember last year on his first birthday and just how emotional it was. I remember dedicating three straight days to just working on his scrapbook and being with him and all of his things. I also remember all of the crying. This year was so different. I still miss him and wish he was here with us, that will never change, but it wasn't nearly as emotional. I thought about him all day and really wanted to do something special for him. I had gotten these pillar candles a few years back that I never got around to using and about a month ago my grief group lady gave me these wax sheets for decorating candles. So for his birthday I decorated a candle just for him. 
I love you little buddy


  1. I was thinking of you yesterday, knowing it was Liam's birthday. I'll always be so sad he is not here with you. I've never heard of these sheets for decorating candles, but I love what you created.

  2. That's beautiful Becky.

    Was thinking of your Liam all day. :)

  3. The candle is a wonderful idea for remembering Liam. Happy belated birthday, little guy.

  4. Nice idea. Hope the day was as gentle as possible.

  5. Beautiful candles. You did such a nice job.
