Monday, February 4, 2013

BLM Visits

Since we were actually home for reasons other than a funeral or burial, we felt a little bit more up to wanting to visit with people. We visited family of course, we visited with a bunch of friends that we haven't seen in a couple of years, but we also were able to meet up with a couple of fellow blm friends that have stood by my side these past couple years.

First, we visited Kristin and her rainbow, Brooklyn, who was born about a month after Evelynn.

Then, on our flight home we took a 6 hour layover in Seattle and met up with Keleen and her rainbow Mason. Evelynn and Mason share the same birthday. I was a little hesitant in meeting him knowing my little girl should be here and be the exact same age as him. It went really well though and I am glad we were able to meet up. 

It is amazing how you can build such a wonderful friendship with someone you had never met. It's even better when you finally get to meet them in real life! I am grateful to have met these two ladies, even if only the reason we met was through the club that nobody wants to join. I would love to meet so many more of you, but hopefully next time I will have my rainbow with me as well.


  1. I've met a couple of BLMs thanks to my blog and friendships I've made along the way. There's really nothing quite like meeting someone who just "gets" it.

    Would love to meet you one day. For real.

  2. When Keleen posted this picture to Instagram us BLMs got uber excited like she was standing next to a celebrity.So glad you guys had the chances to meet up.

  3. I'm jealous they got to meet you! If you are ever in Ontario, or anywhere nearby.....

    I would have been very scared to meet mason. I'm glad that it went so well.

  4. I'm so glad you got to meet BLM friends. It's very nice to meet someone who understands.

  5. That is so great! I'm glad you got to meet up with blog friends. Can't wait to see you with your own rainbow in your arms!

  6. So so so glad that we were able to finally meet. :-) And even more glad to hear that your carrier is pregnant!

  7. There is nothing like spending time with people who really get it- so glad you were able to do that. And I agree with Caroline- we were so excited to see Keleen post that pic on IG!

  8. Here from LFCA. I wish you all the best on your journey. Best wishes and safe pregnancy for your carrier!!


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