In 8 days it'll be 4 years since my sweet Evelynn was born, and 10 days since we had to say goodbye for now. I have been saying for the past almost 4 years that I need to get her scrapbook started, and of course, then finished. Back when I did
Liams scrapbook it took me a little over a year to finish his. Although it was still hard to work on, the drive to have it done before Evelynn was born helped me to get it done. I don't recall exactly when I started her scrapbook, but it took me a very, very long time to get anywhere with it. So many baby stickers bought and cute scrapbook ideas that I found, once again never got used because those things don't seem to work with how this scrapbook was going to end. I even started once and ended up ripping multiple pages out, only to start over. I just wanted it to be perfect for her. When I finally started making real progress on it, I did everything from before her birth and then the funeral on. I just couldn't bring myself, until probably the last 3-6 months, to really go through her pictures from birth, and even then it was (is) still hard to look at those nicu pictures. So, like Liam's, I needed to take pictures of the whole scrapbook, just in case something were to ever happen to it, and of course to share her beautiful life with all of you.

I can't believe its been almost 4 years since you were born. I miss you so much.
Love you forever baby girl
Evelynn's scrapbook turned out so beautiful <3 ((Hugs))
ReplyDeleteEvelynn's scrapbook is beautiful, just like her. My heart broke for you & your husband the day I read on FB that your precious Rainbow baby had passed away. Sending love to you all & please include a hug for handsome Max & lovely Ruby.
ReplyDeleteSo beautiful. So much love poured in to that. Looks incredible
ReplyDeleteBeautiful book for a beautiful baby girl. Thank you for sharing her with us. I cried when I heard you lost her. Hard to believe four years have gone by. Max and Ruby are so sweet.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing sweet Evelynn's story with us. Her scrapbook is absolutely beautiful -- it's seeping with amazing, boundless love. I so wish things were different...
ReplyDeleteEvelynn is so gorgeous. I'm not sure how your emotions are doing now, but I'm still so angry your rainbow baby was robbed from you. She was all yours and then she wasn't. Her face, even at he funeral was just gorgeous. Sending all my love.
ReplyDeleteIt looks wonderful. Such hopeful and excited memories. I'm just so sorry Evelynn isn't here. It's heartbreaking.
ReplyDeleteI love that you accidentally wrote "max" when you meant Liam (talking about his scrapbook). Brothers. xoxo
I'm sure that had to be difficult; it turned out wonderful. Love and blessings to your sweet baby girl.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely tribute for a darling little girl.
ReplyDeleteLove and blessings to your sweet baby girl.
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful tribute to your precious Evelynn, the time and thought and love you put into it are clearly evident.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful tribute to your beautiful daughter. Thank you for sharing it here.
ReplyDeleteI have never seen a more beautiful scrapbook
ReplyDeleteDear, I'm so happy for you! Thank you for this wonderful blog! I also can't carry a baby by myself. I was born without an uterus. I just don't have it and this changes everything. I didn't think about having kids till I met my husband. But still I knew something wrong with my body and, when I'll have my own family, I will face some problems inevitably. I met Mike when I was 24. We've been together for 6 years already. First year of our relationships I had been lying to him. It was my biggest mistake… I had been pretending that I'm like the other girls. Once per month I 'had' pain in stomach and bad mood. Only now I see how stupid it was… My husband was the first who talked about having children. I can't tell in words what I felt at that moment. I had dozens of questions in my head. 'Should I tell him now?', 'Should I continue my lie?', 'What will happen when he finds out?' I had been lying half of year more. I pretended I have no clue why we can't conceive. He even thought he is the one who has problems with health. And that was last straw. I told him the truth and we had a huge quarrel. I thought I lost him forever… But love turned out to be stronger! I had never lied to my husband again. After consultation with a doctor and some discussions we decided, that surrogacy is our only solution. We decided to look for clinics abroad. We were afraid to contact agencies, because there are too many scammers among them. We decided to concentrate on Russia and Ukraine. Their prices are much lower. But speaking about Russia, we crossed it off of our list. Russian legislation has a law, which gives surrogate mother same rights for baby as parents have. So sm can leave a baby to herself if she wants. We chose Ukrainian clinic BioTexCom. We read many reviews about it and also this clinic has high rates of successful treatments. Our baby was born last year! We are happy parents now! I wish you and your family all the best!