Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Evelynn's Milk Remembered

The Tuesday before thanksgiving I got a call from the lactation clinic that I went through when I donated Evelynn's milk. KTUU news was doing a story on donating breastmilk and wanted to interview women who have donated breastmilk and also who have received it for their babies. They asked if I wanted to come and share my story. A chance to speak about my sweet Evelynn, of course I'll come in. The reporter and I talked for about 15 minutes about everything from why I decided to donate to Max being born with a gestational carrier.

Check out this link to see the video. They saved me and Max for last.


  1. Such a wonderful tribute to be able to share about Evelynn. You did GREAT things in her name. <3

  2. I can see why they saved you for last. Your words, what you've been through and what you did have such a huge impact. I'm so sad for you that Evelynn's not here and I'm always in awe of what you did with her milk. Max is beautiful and so cute. I'm glad he's doing well and I hope you are finding your way in this new life of being a mother with a child in your arms, still always missing the children that are not here.

  3. What a great news story! It was truly amazing that you were able to pump and donate - what a strong woman you are...

  4. Thanks for sharing this with us! You did an amazing thing for many babies!!!

  5. Love this and love that they featured your story about Evelynn's milk. You have done amazing things in her name. I love Max and his snoozing face in this video. <3

  6. google just ate my comment, i think.

    Just wanted you to know that I thought it was amazing they featured your story and Evelynn's milk- so beautiful. You've done amazing things in her memory.

    And Max's milk-drunk face is priceless. What a sweet guy. <3

  7. Time for an update! Wondering how much Max has changed, need pictures or video...


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