Monday, August 3, 2015

Adoption Journey Update 6

July 17, 2015 and July 24, 2015- Birthmom was supposed to have her weekly appts, but both times they were cancelled. I was furious. Afterall, I live in the land where babies die.

July 30, 2015- She got in a day earlier this week for her 39 week appt. than scheduled. I guess the reason her appts were canceled last time wasn't do to a neglectful dr, but instead his nurse was on vacation and the one that took over for her had no idea what she was doing. Ridiculous, but at least they are both still doing well. I got to go to this appt but mainly just sat in the corner of the room while the dr talked to her. Dr predicts baby will be born by 2:22pm. We'll see.

Before this appt I had a couple of good mini panic attacks. I know I don't have much control how everything pans out, but it's hard for me not to expect the worst. By that I mean I'm still scared of stillbirth, I have a small fear her uterus could rupture like mine did, and of course their is always the chance she or one of the dads could change their mind and not sign the adoption paperwork. I wish being more optimistic came easy to me. We didn't talk to our birthmom much the rest of the weekend, besides telling her we were excited and that we'd be at the hospital at 8 am on monday morning.

August 3, 2015- Yeah. We made it to hopefully our new baby girls birthday. As I write this it is 8am and we are sitting in the lobby outside of labor and delivery. We picked up some flowers for her and have a gift from Alaska for her daughter. I texted her when we arrived and she said that her Dr was going to be in soon to break her water. She will also be getting her epidural. She said she'll let us know when he leaves and then we can head back by her. I am sooo anxious.

When we walked into her room we learned that baby was in distress, so she and baby will be monitored closely to make sure things remain okay. We were told that at the time of delivery there will be a pediatrician and nicu staff waiting to check baby out to make sure she doesn't have an infection. The adoption lady also showed up. So now we will all just continue to wait.

1pm- The dr just checked her and she's an 8. He says it's go time in 15 min.  Eeek!  Not sure when I'll write next, but wish us luck!


  1. Wow, today is the day! Wishing you all the best!

  2. SO MUCH WISHING OF THE LUCK AND ALL THE THINGS! Sending lots of love to you, Derek, and the birth mom.


  3. I hope you enjoy meeting your daughter soon!

  4. I am holding my breath for you! <3

  5. Good luck! It's 8pm (maybe 7pm if you're in a diff time zone) and I'm hoping the birth went smoothly, papers are signed and you are enjoying the first of many moments with your girl.. Thinking of you!

  6. Have been thinking about you and your family all day. Hope everything went well and that you are enjoying your baby girl.

  7. Omg!!! Waiting for an update!!! Good luck and lots of love to everyone

  8. Thinking about you guys and hoping everything went smoothly!

  9. Yaaay!!! Can't wait to see pictures of your sweet girl!

  10. OMG WHERE IS THE NEXT UPDATE????? Lol So excited for you, fingers and toes crossed. Xo

  11. Oh my I am DYING waiting for an update! Hoping everything went as planned xxxxxxx

  12. Same here... Really really hoping that your absence from this space just means that you are super busy with your newest little bundle... I don't even want to consider the alternative.... All the very best to you and your family...

  13. Anxiously waiting... Worried about the where you said baby was in distress! I too hope you are just super busy juggling two littles!!!!

  14. I keep checking back for an update! Anyone know anything???


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